The Insurance Carriers List

After you have created your practice you will need to populate a list of insurance carriers to be used inside your patient files. 

The insurance company names, addresses and payer ids (electronic billing) you specify here will populate to the insurance claims generated with this software.



This list will be available to you when you create patient files and also when you edit your Provider Insurance Information inside the Practice Information.

To enter a new insurance carrier, follow the steps below.

1. Click the Lists menu and select Insurance Carriers.

2. A window entitled Lists - Insurance Carriers will appear. Click on the Add button that is displayed on the toolbar near the top of the window.

3. An Add window will appear. Begin typing in the information. Enter the appropriate information into each of the text boxes.

4. Click on the Next button if you wish to enter another carrier. If you are finished with the list, click the OK button. You will return to the Lists - Insurance Carriers window, and the carrier(s) you just entered will be displayed.

5. When you have finished entering information for insurance carriers, click the Close button on the Lists - Insurance Carriers toolbar.